Dr. Blackburn holds a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College and a M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College. Dr. Blackburn holds a Professional Counseling license in Georgia and is licensed as a Professional Counselor and a Psychologist in Tennessee. She works with adults in both individual and couples counseling. Her specialties include marriage transitions and issues, betrayal trauma and infidelity, sexual addiction and sexual struggles, infertility, adoption, grief and loss, spiritual issues, and anxiety.


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Request an Appointment with Hope Tuttle

Request an Appointment with Emma Rowell

Request an Appointment with Kathryn Paull

Request an Appointment with Ansley Mayson

Request an Appointment with Kaylyn Lee

Request an Appointment with Vanessa Joseph

Request an Appointment with Zachary Dunaway

Request an Appointment with Angelina Dodson

Request an Appointment with Jonathan MacFarlane, LPC

Request an Appointment with Crystal Johnson, APC

Request an Appointment with Dr. Mary Plisco, LP

Request an Appointment with Dr. Stanley Hoover, LPC

Request an Appointment with Dr. Amanda Blackburn, LPC